Please complete the following questionnaire to determine your eligibility for GLP-1 therapy.
Section 1: BMI Information
Section 2: Comorbidities (Answer if your BMI is between 27 and 29.99)
Section 3: Current Medications
Section 4: Medical History
Section 5: Continuation of Therapy (For existing GLP-1 users
Note: GLP-1 therapy must be discontinued if BMI falls below 24.
Eligibility Criteria Summary
BMI Standards:
BMI ≥ 30: Eligible.
BMI 27-29.99: Eligible only with at least one comorbidity (Questions 3-6).
BMI < 27: Not eligible.
Automatic Disqualifications
Certain medications (Question 7).
Medical history related to pancreatitis, medullary thyroid cancer, or MEN (Questions 8-10).
Continuation Rules for Current Users:
Therapy must be discontinued if BMI falls below 24 (Question 12).
Please submit your responses for review by a healthcare professional.